
COVID-19 Update | CBT

Written by Maggie Chang | Mar 13, 2020 6:00:58 AM

3.24 Stay at Home Order

On Mar 19, Governor Gavin Newsom issued a stay at home order until further notice. This means all outside activities are limited to essential services such as gas stations, pharmacies, grocery stores, etc. Due to this new order, CBT has decided to close the Orange HQ office to all personnel. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us. From all of us at CBT, we hope you and your family stay healthy and safe!

3.13 Stay Safe!

Friends, colleagues and customers,

At CBT we’re dedicated to technology with a human touch. However, in these times of uncertain health, we wanted to keep you in the loop of what CBT is doing to make sure our human touch doesn’t put anyone at unnecessary risk — below is a message from our CEO, Kelly Ireland, on how CBT is handling this pandemic.

A Message from our CEO, Kelly Ireland:

The coronavirus (COVID-19) situation is evolving daily and we are issuing this communication to provide helpful information to our customers & colleagues about the impact of the virus and what we are doing to mitigate risk.

Our top priorities are the support and satisfaction of our customers, as well as the health and wellbeing of our employees.  We are closely monitoring developments with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and World Health Organization and assure you we have already taken many steps to safeguard our operations and employees.

Travel:  We are evaluating all face-to-face meetings, conferences and events in the very short term to ensure the safety of our employees and customers – every employee is equipped with and utilizing video conferencing as much as possible.  We are maintaining a “wait and see” posture on the events in the longer term, hoping the situation improves.

Business Operations:  Nearly half of CBT’s employees already work from their home offices and we are encouraging them to continue doing so. In addition, we have temporarily closed our Kirkland office to daily traffic. Should the situation worsen, we are prepared to move to a fully-remote workforce, including our headquarters location in Orange, California –business systems and processes are in place to keep operating normally.

Supply Chain:  The potential impact of the Coronavirus on the IT supply chain is still largely unknown. However, I assure you we are staying closely informed on lengthening lead times for products with component parts that originate in China, Japan, and South Korea. While we use reputable shipping partners, we do not know how this situation may affect their business in the short and mid-term. With this in mind, some of our customers have reviewed current and upcoming business priorities to determine which projects may be at risk if lead times from OEM manufacturers lengthen further. In some cases we have accelerated product ordering (to the best of our ability) to safeguard critical projects.  If you would like to have a similar conversation about your pressing objectives, please reach out to your regular CBT contact directly, or email us at

Rest assured that we will continue to keep communications relevant and frequent. In the meantime, you can check our blog for updated information from CBT and our partners.

Thinking of all those already impacted by this pandemic and wishing safety and good health for all.

Best Regards,

Kelly Ireland
Founder & CEO